Struggling with perspective?

You don't have to practice for hours to start sketching in perspective!

Let me tell you a little secret:

All professional designers cheat!

That's right, they simply use underlays to setup their sketches. And if you're smart, you should do the same! That's why I have created a clever set of cheat-sheets for you to quickly setup your perspective sketches.

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What's inside?

Cheat sheet 01

Cheat sheet 02

Cheat sheet 03

How to use the cheat sheets

The video below is a recording from one of my classes for the course ID Sketching that I teach at the university in Eindhoven (TU/e). It clearly demonstrates the use of the cheat sheets to quickly setup your sketches in a correct perspective.


To use the sheets simply print them at the scale you need them and place one sheet underneath your marker paper.

Marker paper is very thin and therefor allows you to see the grid clearly through the page.

Position the sheet horizontally and place the circle right underneath the spot where you want to create your sketch.


If you want you can fix the grid to the marker paper with some tape, but I usually just hold it down with my hand.

Now you are all set!

Grab your favourite sketch tools (mine is a blue pencil) and start sketching. Make sure that you follow the grid lines for all horizontal and vertical edges of your design.


If you are designing more complex forms you may want to start with a simple bounding box and construct the geometry based on that.

Make sure that all details are also aligned with the grid!


Once you have a couple of rough sketches on your page you can select the most interesting design and spend some more time on rendering and communicating the design.


In the example here I used the grids to first setup a couple of rough sketches with a felt tip pen and later used those wireframe sketches again as an underlay for setting up the final sketch.

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About Martijn

Martijn van de Wiel is an independent Dutch creative professional and design teacher with a background in Industrial and Spatial Design. Operating from his studio in The Hague, he teaches hands-on courses and workshops on design and sketching at some of the world's top design schools.

Martijn's work is probably best known from the inspiring examples he frequently shares with an audience of more than one million followers across Instagram and Facebook.